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This project was a two week design competition to create a indiviual patient room of the future.  It has to incorporation new technology, a family area, and impliment patient control.

Patient Room 

lifting spirits 

The art of kite flying can involve a good deal of science and brain power. The flight of kites relies heavily on how well it is constructed. A kite has to be proportional and balanced. Like kites a hospital patient room has to be structured properly in order to run smoothly and efficiently. The rooms have to have a balance and proportional space for the patient, family, and staff. There is also physics to kite flying. In order for a kite to fly it has to have a proper ratio of drag to lift. Meaning the lift has to outweigh the drag in order for the kite to take flight. In the hospital setting drag is to negative contributors and lift is to the positives. In order for a patient to have a smooth recovery there must be more positive contributors than negative.

View from patient bed.

Floor Plan 

View from family area.

paint colors

plastic laminate 

vinyl flooring, with welde seams 

Infection control is most important in hospitals. Since staff is usually tight it is important to implement surfaces without crevices that are easily cleanable to create quick cleaning to reduce spread of infection. Colors in the space were selected to be soothing and calming.

View from nurses area,

The concept for the lighting of the patient room is based around user control. This was accomplished by using layers of lights and dimming systems.

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